Our Trinity Cathedral Hymn

The Third Sunday after the Epiphany January 27, 2019 Like many Episcopal churches around the country, we are holding our Annual Parish Meeting this Sunday. This day provides an opportunity to remember where we've been and look ahead to the future. Our music for this day has a special focus on our cathedral's ministry and mission. This year marks the tenth anniversary of our Trinity Cathedral hymn, written for us by Nebraska hymn poet, Rae E. Whitney. In the spring of 2009, we invited Rae to Omaha for a weekend celebrating her work. She presented a lecture and a workshop, and she joined us for Sunday worship and a hymn festival. Her new hymn for Trinity Cathedral, "God of hope and joy and wonder," was first sung at that Sunday Eucharist. The hymn, a song of praise to the Holy Trinity, incorporates elements of the cathedral's history, architecture, and ministry, but it is also suitable for general use. In an optional stanza specific to Trinity Cathe...