Risen, Ascended, Glorified

The Seventh Sunday of Easter June 2, 2019 Today's hymns recall the Feast of the Ascension, celebrated this past Thursday on the 40th Day of Easter. Our hymnal places Ascension hymns at the end of the "Easter" section, but references to the Ascension are also found throughout The Hymnal 1982 . For example, "Alleluia! sing to Jesus" (Hymn 460) specifically refers to the Ascension in the second stanza. Our entrance hymn is "Hail the day that sees him rise" (Hymn 214), a joyful Easter hymn celebrating Christ's Ascension. Hear a recording: Hail the day that sees him rise Exuberant joy is expressed through an "alleluia" at the end of every line. The text by Charles Wesley was first published in 1739 in England. The "alleluias" were added in the mid-19th century. Over the centuries, editors have abbreviated the hymn (which originally had 10 stanzas) and changed significant portions of the original language. The tune, Llanfa...