Composer Michael McCabe

The Third Sunday of Easter
April 15, 2018

McCabe, Michael

Sing to the Lord a new song!    -Psalm 96

Easter - a celebration of new life in Christ - serves as the perfect season for the creation and offering of new music. Our cathedral celebrates Nebraska composers, and we're blessed by a wealth of talent in this state.

Today, our Cathedral Choir sings an anthem by Omaha composer and organist Michael McCabe. McCabe began his study of piano and organ as a child. As a student at Creighton University, McCabe was appointed university organist and choir director. During a 20 year military career, various assignments provided McCabe with unique opportunities to study with leaders in the field of Anglican church music, including Leo Sowerby, David McK. Williams, Thomas Matthews, and Dale Wood. McCabe has served numerous churches, including Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. As a published composer, McCabe was elected to ASCAP in 1972, and his ASCAP credits include NBC Television, foreign and domestic recordings, and the Stockholm and Stuttgart Music Festivals.

McCabe is the principal organist at Dowd Memorial Chapel at Boys Town. He is a regular guest organist here at Trinity Cathedral, and you'll often see him in the congregation at our Compline and Evensong liturgies. If you attend the AGO Hymn Festival this afternoon, you'll have the opportunity to hear him play. 

McCabe has composed a number of works specifically for our choirs. We will premiere his new anthem, "God of Abundance," on The Seventh Sunday of Easter, and our Cantate Choral Academy choristers will sing his new setting of the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis during the 2018-19 season.

Here's a link to another of McCabe's Easter anthems that is part of our choir's repertoire - "Hilariter" (which is translated "Joyfully"): Hilariter

Music for the Third Sunday of Easter
April 15, 2018
Hymns: 179, 193 (stanza 5), 199, 182
Service Music: S-278, WLP 848, S-128, WLP 877
I Am the Living Bread   -Michael McCabe
Day of Delight and Beauty Unbounded   -Giovanni Gastoldi

WLP = Wonder, Love, and Praise, an authorized supplement to The Hymnal 1982
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