William Bradley Roberts

The Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany February 24, 2019 This snowy Sunday, we are pleased to welcome the Reverend Dr. William Bradley Roberts as our guest preacher and choral conductor. He will lead the Cathedral Choir in two of his anthems, "In All These You Welcomed Me" and an arrangement of a spiritual, "This Little Light of Mine." William Bradley Roberts is currently Professor of Church Music at Virginia Theological Seminary and Director of Chapel Music. He received the Bachelor of Arts degree from Houston Baptist University with double majors in Voice and Music Education. He received the degrees Master of Church Music and Doctor of Musical Arts from Southern Seminary (Louisville, Ky.) with an emphasis in Conducting and Voice. His doctoral dissertation is entitled Darius Milhaud, His Life and Choral Works with Biblical Texts: A Conductor’s Study . Roberts was ordained to the priesthood in May 2016. Prior to his coming to Virginia Seminary, he...