"This Place"

The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
February 10, 2019

Bruckner Organ, St. Florian Monastery, Austria
Photo credit: Greg Kraftschik 

Today's anthem, "Locus iste," is by Anton Bruckner, a nineteenth century Austrian composer. The Latin text is appointed for the dedication of a church and is translated as follows:

This place was made by God,
a priceless sacrament,
beyond reproach.

Unlike many of Bruckner's more complex compositions, "Locus iste" is within the reach of excellent church and school choirs and is one of his most widely performed choral works. Listen to a recording here: Locus iste

Today, we begin the public phase of our Cathedral Commons capital campaign. Like many of you, I have been reflecting  on the importance of Trinity Cathedral - this place - in my life. I moved to Nebraska in 2003, and the cathedral congregation warmly welcomed me. Two parishioners (you know who you are) showed up at my house on move-in day with a barbeque dinner! During these past fifteen years, Trinity Cathedral has increasingly been at the center of my life and work. I have watched our cathedral grow in love and faithfulness. This new endeavor to completely renovate our parish house will allow us to better serve the community in ministry and mission. It is a bold step forward.

Bruckner loved the monastery at St. Florian, a place where he spent significant, formative years and where he chose to be buried (under the organ console!). Although "Locus iste" was composed for the dedication of a different church, the music is imbued with the composer's heartfelt emotion and deep love for his spiritual home.

"This place" - Trinity Cathedral - is the place where we encounter Christ in word and sacrament, in soaring music and silent prayer, in sunlight beaming through stained glass windows and in meals served to the hungry. Here we baptize and teach our children, bless our marriages, and mourn our dead. We are blessed to inherit and care for this spiritual home, preparing the way for God's future, beyond our dreams.

Music for the Fifth Sunday After the Epiphany
February 10, 2019

362  Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty (Nicaea)
671  Amazing grace! how sweet the sound (New Britain)
124  What star is this with beams so bright (Stanza 5) (Puer nobis)
676  There is a balm in Gilead (Balm in Gilead)
537  Christ for the world we sing (Moscow)

Service Music
Gloria in excelsis S-277   New Plainsong, David Hurd
Psalm 138   St. Martin's Psalter, Thomas Pavlechko
Sanctus S-125   A Community Mass, Richard Proulx
Fraction Anthem S-154   New Plainsong, David Hurd

Locus Iste   -Anton Bruckner

Music for Handbells
O Worship the King   -arr. Sandra Eithun

Organ Music
Variations on Nicaea   -Piet Post

Processional in G Major   -John Stanley

"Bruckner Arrives in Heaven"
Bruckner is greeted by (from left to right): Lizst, Wagner, Schubert, Schumann, Weber, Mozart, Beethoven, Gluck, Haydn, Handel, Bach  
(Silhouette by Otto Böhler)


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