God of Abundance

The Seventh Sunday of Easter
May 13, 2018

Last Sunday, we sang Psalm 98, "Sing to the LORD a new song." Today, our Cathedral Choir is doing just that. Michael McCabe, an Omaha composer, has written a new anthem, "God of Abundance," which we will premiere this morning and record next week. (Read more about McCabe in the 4/15/18 edition of Praying Twice.)

The text is by The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts Schori, the 26th Presiding Bishop and Primate of the Episcopal Church.

The text speaks of the wonders of creation and the abiding presence of God - appropriate themes as this Easter season draws to a glorious conclusion:

God of glorious and radiant abundance,
we give thanks for all that is,
for stars in their nebulae,
for wind in the trees,
seeds in the pod, 
food on the tables,
and the grace of fellowship we enjoy in the banquet.
We give thanks for your presence in our midst,
as the Holy One, as the eternal Spirit,
and in the face of each of your children.
May your loving kindness follow us all the days of our lives,
and into the eternal.
We ask this on behalf of all creation,
that we may in our turn strive to love as you do.
In your holy name we pray. Amen

Today's communion anthem, "If Ye Love Me" by Thomas Tallis (1505-1585), is consistently included in every list of essential Anglican choral music - often in the number one or number two spot. Tallis was one of the first composers to create musical settings of English language texts for the rites of the Church. This anthem epitomizes the elegant simplicity and beauty of 16th century English style. Here is a recording: If Ye Love Me 

Our Cathedral Choir sings a vast repertoire of sacred music, ranging from ancient chants to anthems by the best modern composers. Our cathedral mission statement encourages us to create "a vibrant worshiping community in the Anglican choral tradition." That tradition encourages us to experience and join our voices with every generation of Christians through sacred song.

We believe that the Holy Spirit continues to inspire new creations from poets, artists, and musicians, and we share in that new creation by bringing music to life in worship. In today's Eucharist, like most Sundays, we will experience music from a variety of countries and historical eras. Our Anglican musical tradition encompasses the best sacred music of every age and allows all of us to join "with the heavenly chorus, with prophets, apostles, and martyrs, and with all those in every generation who have looked to you in hope, to proclaim with them your glory, in their unending hymn." (Eucharistic Prayer C, BCP 370)

Music for the Seventh Sunday of Easter
May 13, 2018

Hymns: 214, 193, 192, 460
Service Music: S-278, 848*, S-128, 877*
God of Abundance   -Michael McCabe
If Ye Love Me   -Thomas Tallis
Music for Handbells:
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name   -arr. Patricia Sanders Cota
Organ Music:
Prelude on Earth and All Stars   -David Johnson
The Emperor's Fanfare   -Antonio Soler

*From Wonder, Love, and Praise, an authorized supplement to The Hymnal 1982


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