Trinity Sunday

The First Sunday after Pentecost: Trinity Sunday
May 27, 2018

Today is Trinity Sunday, our "feast of title" and the traditional end of the program year at Trinity Cathedral. Read more about Trinity Sunday in Dean Loya's letter in Cathedral Matters: Cathedral Matters

Are you a fan of royal weddings or The Crown? If so, you will especially enjoy today's choral music. For our celebration of Trinity Sunday, the Cathedral Choir is singing a variety of classic works from the English Cathedral repertoire. Prelude music for organ, choir, and trumpets will begin at 10:20 a.m.

The entrance hymn, "God of hope and joy and wonder" was written for our cathedral by Nebraska hymn poet, Rae E. Whitney. The author of over 500 hymns, Whitney's work is found in the hymnals of most denominations and is celebrated around the world. It is sung to the classic English tune, Westminster Abbey.

Today's offertory anthem is an Anglican classic: "I Was Glad" by Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry (1848-1918). Composed in 1902 for the coronation of King Edward VII, it has been sung at coronations and royal weddings ever since, becoming a staple of Anglican choral repertoire. The text is drawn from Psalm 122: "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord." 

This grand anthem is a masterful study in contrasts. After the introduction with its unforgettable opening trumpet motive, the full choir enters in what can be described as a wall of sound. The next section of the anthem is scored for double choir. Choir 1 ("Decani") is seated on the dean's side, and Choir 2 ("Cantoris") is seated on the Canon Precentor's side. This typically British seating arrangement evolved from centuries of singing Anglican chant psalms antiphonally, alternating "choirs" on each verse. The two choirs, equal in size and voicing, sing separate parts that mix and blend to create a rich, full sound. A semi-chorus of 6 voices then sings the middle section of the anthem ("O pray for the peace of Jerusalem"), providing an additional contrast in texture. Both choirs then return, building to a thrilling conclusion. Here is a link to a video: I Was Glad
Note that, in keeping with tradition, we will omit the "Vivat Regina" section heard in this recording (since we are not crowning a monarch!).

Communion music includes "O Trinity of Blessed Light" by John Ebenezer West (1863-1929). The text is a 6th century hymn translated by John Mason Neale. The text is found in The Hymnal 1982 #23. A prolific composer and editor, West is known for his soaring choral lines and beautifully crafted organ accompaniments. The majority of the pipes in our organ came from two previous cathedral organs built in 1890 and 1932. The sounds you will hear in the organ accompaniment are similar to what the composer would have heard in his lifetime. This anthem is a perfect fit for our instrument.

We hope that today's music enriches worship as we celebrate the Holy Trinity and the ministry of Trinity Cathedral!

Music for Trinity Sunday
May 27, 2018
Hymns: "God of hope and joy and wonder," 370, 366, 365, 362
Service Music: S-278, S-236, S-128, S-152
Anthems: "Coronation Anthem No. 1: Zadok, the Priest" (George Frideric Handel); "I Was Glad" (C.H.H. Parry); "O Trinity of Blessed Light (John E. West)
Organ Music:
Hornpipe   -George Frideric Handel
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring   -Johann Sebastian Bach
Rondeau   -Jean-Joseph Mouret

Note: Praying Twice will be on "summer break" Memorial Day through Labor Day due to Dr. Burnett's sabbatical. Watch for our return on Sunday, September 9, 2018. Thanks for reading and subscribing!


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