In all things give thanks

The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
October 14, 2018

During the month of October, we are focusing on the theme of stewardship. You will see this theme woven throughout the hymns and anthems selected this month.

At Trinity Cathedral, one way in which we highlight this theme is through the singing of a stewardship hymn every Sunday in October. Although many of our Episcopal hymns are related to Christian service, our hymnal doesn't contain a specific section on stewardship. Since The Hymnal 1982 was published, a number of new hymns have been written on this theme. I have enjoyed the opportunity to explore these new hymns and teach several of them to our congregation.

The hymn selected for this year is written by The Reverend Carl P. Daw, Jr.*: 

For the life that you have given,
for the love in Christ made known,
with these fruits of time and labor,
with these gifts that are your own:
here we offer, Lord, our praises;
heart and mind and strength we bring;
give us grace to love and serve you,
living what we pray and sing.

These words are paired with a tune from our hymnal, Pleading Savior. This tune appeared in several early American hymnals starting in 1831; it was included in The Hymnal 1940 as well as our current hymnal (586). Like many folk melodies, the use of a five-note pentatonic scale and melodic repetition makes it easy to learn and sing. Here's an instrumental arrangement of the tune: Pleading Savior

We'll sing this hymn at the offertory throughout this month, as well as on November 4 when we celebrate the ingathering of pledges for 2019. Try reading or singing this hymn at home as you give thanks for God's blessings and reflect on your faithful response. 

The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
October 14, 2018

680, O God, our help in ages past (St. Anne)
684, O for a closer walk with God (Caithness)
For the life that you have given* (Pleading Savior)
655, O Jesus, I have promised (Nyland)
460, Alleluia! sing to Jesus (Hyfrydol)
Service Music:
New Plainsong  -David Hurd
St. Martin's Psalter, Thomas Pavlechko
Treasures in Heaven  -Joseph W. Clokey
Take My Life, and Let It Be  -Scottish folk tune, arr. Marty Wheeler Burnett
Organ Music:
Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus  -Richard Hillert
Rondeau  -Jean-Joseph Mouret

*Text, Carl P. Daw, Jr., copyright 1990 Hope Publishing Company. Reprinted by permission.


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