Easter Comes Again

The Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Day
April 12, 2020

"The Resurrection," Donald Jackson, The St. John's Bible
Easter comes again, 
not with trumpet fanfares,
sparkling organ or soaring voices,
but much like that first Easter morning:
a quiet garden,
Mary, weeping,
the loving words of the Teacher,
the longing to embrace, kept at a distance.

Easter comes again
in love stronger than death,
in hope of resurrection,
new growth springing green,
children's laughter,
the warmth of sunlight,
the clearing air,
a world reborn.

A blessed Easter to all our readers. Alleluia!

Marty Wheeler Burnett

Music for Easter Day
April 12, 2020

Enjoy the great music of Easter on our YouTube playlist: Holy Week/Easter Playlist

View our Facebook Live Stream here: Facebook Live

Organ Voluntaries
Jesus Christ is risen today (Easter Hymn)
The Strife Is O'er (Victory)     setting by Wilbur Held


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